If you do not yet have a 퀸 알바 translation portfolio, my friend Alexandra suggests posting examples of translations that you did on your own time about topics or industries that interest you. From personal experience, my friend Alexandra found a good starting point for starting out with online translation jobs for my language pairing (English to Spanish, and back again) was $0.10 USD per word. Even with English being the language pair with the highest demand and competition for translation jobs, my friend Alexandra has still managed to make a six-figure income working from US.
If you are doing translation, expect to get paid as much as 2-3 times as much. When looking for jobs or projects to translate on the internet, you will find the most common way that translators are charged per job is by word, rather than by the project.
Most translators charge per revision per hour (average fee is around $30 – $50 an hour). Freelance interpreters usually charge an hourly rate, while translators working for hire typically receive either a rate per word (one rate for translation, and a rate per revision/edit) or a rate per hour. The rates that translators usually charge may vary widely depending on things like the combination of languages, type of translator, technical specialization, and country where the interpreter is located. The average fee for each word is between 10 to 20 cents, depending on the type of document being translated, language combination, the volume of work involved, subject matter, and the time frame.
In professional translation proposals, repeated segments are called repetitions, and are charged as much as 75% cheaper. The normal rate of translation applies for generic content such as reviews, documentaries, or videos which have no significant marketing content. Thanks to timecodes, translation teams know how much time is allowed for each spoken phrase within the video. You have the content transcribing already, timecodes are being put into scripts, text from video is being translated, keeping in mind the amount of time allowed for each spoken word, it is time to record.
The translated content is added to the list of available captions on the video. Subtitling is one way of translating a video to a different language. It interprets spoken or signed languages, or it converts written texts from one language to another.
Expect to get paid somewhere in the $1.50/minute range for your first gig, assuming that you are just doing transcription, not translating, too. After working on the entry-level transcription jobs for some time, you should be able to get more high-paying jobs. If you are starting, it can be easier to find jobs with transcription outsourcing companies rather than trying to make it as an independent contractor. If you are completely new to the transcription industry, you might find that working for these lower rates is worthwhile for getting started.
You may find contract gigs that pay based on how much work you are able to transcribe, instead of being put on a payroll and earning hourly or yearly salaries. Other companies might pay contract transcriptionists by a per-project or per-page amount of transcribed work. Rev pays transcriptionists 30 cents up to $1.10 for every minute of audio, resulting in $18-66 for an audio hour.
More experienced transcriptionists working in specialty fields can charge over $25 an hour. By comparison, an English-Arabic translator can easily expect to make as much as $0.40 a word on a freelance project, or $200,000 on a salaried position, working for a U.S. or European client, even in fields that are not considered as technical. For instance, even experienced English-Spanish translators rarely make more than US $0.20 per word, unless working in highly technical fields or holding full-time positions involving site localization and bilingual marketing.
Unless the freelance translator or interpreter works for a firm or multiple firms and is able to predict his yearly salary, earnings usually fluctuate year-to-year. There seems to be a big difference between average interpreter salaries (or, let us say, interpretation fees) compared with interpreter salaries; once again, the principles for charging per interpretation service tend to hold true globally. However, average rates in the marketplace can be slightly lower on a whole-market basis, since, besides conference interpreters, public-service interpreters (whose rates, as we will see below, tend to be lower) can end up taking on consecutive interpretation assignments as well.
In addition to their fees, Conference interpreters must advise clients about their extra-hourly rates should an assignment go late. Interpreters can, and should, absolutely charge for any extra time that is required for work — and this applies to all interpreters, not just those specializing in conference interpretation. Some interpreters will even charge some extra time to prepare.
Companies might also pay more for a transcription of a harder-to-transcribe audio file–for example, with more speakers, or speakers with thicker accents–or work that requires additional elements, like time stamps, or very fast turnarounds. If one company can handle site translation, video translation, marketing campaigns, and software localization, you will get the advantage of using an already translated part or piece of yours, and paying less. Although these factors heavily impact final costs, you should know that working with translation companies that have a transparent pricing policy, translation costs can be reduced by as much as 36%. The estimated cost for a 15-minute video translation, opting for subtitles, could range between $596.5 and $801.25.
Your total hours worked on both A and B companies is 24 hours. You were also working at B Company, working four hours Wednesday, four hours Thursday, and four hours Friday. Week One You worked for A Company and worked four hours Sunday, four hours Monday, and four hours Tuesday, earning $10 per hour. Second Week You worked for A Company and worked five hours on Monday, five hours on Wednesday, and five hours on Friday.